Educational Blog
Leadership Matters: Growth Mindsets…Do Our Actions Match our Words?
Dr. Kate Maxlow
December 3, 2023
by Kate Wolfe Maxlow The term “growth mindset” is a well-worn phrase in education. Yet, sometimes we see schools where the staff talks a good talk about growth mindset, but certain actions or beliefs undercut the philosophy. It turns out,…
Is Your Whole School Greater than the Sum of Its Parts?
Dr. Kate Maxlow
October 25, 2020
Your brain is made up of tons of tiny neurons. None of these neurons have conscious thought, yet all together, they result in the works of Shakespeare, the compositions of Mozart, and the creation of the internet. How? This is…
What Every School Leader Needs to Know about Educational Research – Part 3
Dr. John Caggiano
April 17, 2019
In our last two parts, we looked at how basics of research and experimental design can impact the strength of a study’s results—and how much we can trust results when determining which programs and strategies to implement in our schools.…
What Every School Leader Needs to Know about Educational Research – Part 2
Dr. John Caggiano
April 10, 2019
How many times have you sat through a professional development that promises to be the panacea to all of education’s woes, only for it to be tossed aside a couple of years later when it can’t deliver on its promises? …
What Every School Leader Needs to Know about Educational Research – Part 1
Dr. John Caggiano
April 2, 2019
So, your colleagues in the next school district over are raving about this great new program they have for helping “catch up” struggling students. They say that you should really look into it for your school district. The catch? It’s…
6 Reasons New Teachers Leave the Profession—And What Leaders Can Do About It – Part 3
Dr. John Caggiano
March 27, 2019
So far in this years, we’ve seen the very real problems that new teachers face—but we’ve also seen that there’s a lot that effective school leaders can do to off-set those problems. Let’s recap so far: previously, we’ve explored Difficult…