PBL Problem-Solver: Enhancing Student Responsibility (With FREE Resources!)

Project-Based Learning (PBL) is an educational approach where students actively explore real-world challenges and create meaningful solutions. This hands-on methodology not only engages students in deeper learning but also equips them with essential workplace readiness skills, such as collaboration, time management, and problem-solving. By integrating PBL into the classroom, educators help students develop the accountability […]

Engaging Classrooms: Rethinking Instructional Time in Education (AbCD Learning Cycle)

by Kate Wolfe Maxlow In this age of screens and 30-second clips, it’s vital that educators keep abreast of the current research on student attention spans and how we leverage our instructional activities so that they’re developmentally appropriate. There’s both an art and science to stretching students’ attention spans successfully. Enter then: the AbCD Learning […]

Herding Cats: How to Get Resistant Teachers On the Bus

Tips for getting resistant teachers to change their practice We all have dealt with resistant teachers.  The members of our staff that sit in the back of faculty meetings doing Sudoku, grading papers or taking a quick nap. Getting resistant teachers to embrace new ideas can be like herding cats. The philosophy that they will […]